For Authors
Manuscripts should be submitted via email by one of the manuscript’s authors. Any submissions not written by one of the authors will be rejected. The authors are asked to nominate four highly qualified reviewers. All suggested reviewers must provide current e-mail addresses. Only electronic PDF or MS-Word files can be submitted through email, regardless of the source of the word-processing tool. The author can send the manuscript to
Manuscript Preparation
Please format the manuscript as follows to speed up the review process:
Type of Article: One Column
Organization of the manuscript:
- All manuscripts must be submitted as a single PDF or MS Word document containing the entire text, references, tables, and figures. Any manuscripts that have been revised and are ready for publication should be sent as a single editable Word document.
- Manuscripts must be written in the English language. A title page with the title, author(s), and affiliations should be the first page of the manuscript file, followed by a 100-300 word abstract and 3-5 keywords. Title, Authors, Affiliations, Abstract, Keywords, and Introduction are listed in the following order: Title, Authors, Affiliations, Abstract, Keywords, and Introduction.
- All figures and photographs must be submitted as jpg or tif files at a resolution of 500 dpi, with distinct characters and symbols (dots per inch). Printing your figures from a computer is a good way to test them. The online version should resemble the personal-printer copy in appearance. Tables and equations should be in a readable format rather than an image. Word/Excel is required for table editing. Equation Editor is required for editing equations. Figures, tables, and equations should be numbered and cited in the following order: Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, and so on.
- Type your manuscript in 1.5 spaced before submission or after acceptance, with all characters in the text, tables, figure legends, footnotes, and references in a single typeface and point size of 12 pt Times New Roman. This saves space, makes it easier for reviewers and editors to process submitted work.
- In the text, all references should be cited in APA style and listed in the REFERENCES section alphabetically.
Review Process
Manuscripts that do not follow the journal’s guidelines will be returned to the authors without being evaluated precisely. Manuscripts submitted in accordance with journal guidelines are reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief or an Editor, who then assigns them to reviewers. The review process is conducted in a single-blind manner. The Editor writes a decision letter based on the reviewers’ comments and sends it to the corresponding author. The manuscript decision letters are sent out within four weeks.
Publication Ethics
Pro Academic Press is dedicated to upholding high standards through rigorous peer review and strict ethical guidelines. Any violations of professional ethical codes, such as plagiarism, fraudulent data use, or false claims of authorship, should be treated with zero tolerance by the editors.
Every manuscript submitted to Pro Academic Press undergoes an initial plagiarism check. Pro Academic Press will upload the document and running a similarity check against the Turnitin database. The “Similarity Index,” which is the percentage of the manuscript that matches other sources, is provided by the check. As a result, manuscripts with a high “Similarity Index” are scrutinised to see if the other matching sources are properly cited.
The manuscript must not have been previously published in any form and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere at the time of submission.
Pro Academic Press needs publishing rights for an article in order to publish it and make it available. As a result, we require authors who publish in one of our journals to sign an author contract granting us the necessary publishing rights. This will happen after your manuscript has gone through peer review, been accepted, and is ready to go into production. After that, our Production team will send you an email with all of the pertinent information.
Assignment of copyright (You transfer – or “assign” – copyright to us as the journal’s owner and publisher in our standard author contract (or, in the case of a society-owned journal, to that learned society).
Hence, we can:
- Effectively manage, publish, and make your work available to the academic community and beyond by assigning the copyright.
- As stewards of your work as it appears in the scholarly record, take the following steps.
- Take care of requests for reuse on your behalf.
- When your article has been infringed upon or plagiarised, take appropriate action.
- Increase the visibility of your work by collaborating with others.
After you’ve assigned copyright, you’ll still have the right to:
- Be credited as the article’s author.
- Make printed copies of your article to use in a non-commercial lecture or class that you are giving.
- Use your free eprints to share your article with friends, colleagues, and influential people who might be interested in reading it.
- Present your article at a meeting or conference, and distribute non-commercial printed copies of the article.